This post isn't necessarily library- or book-related, but in these uncertain and chaotic times of quarantine and social isolation, we thought we'd share some tips for remaining as stress-free as possible. We know how hard our students, faculty, and staff have been working during this pandemic (and always!), and we're so proud and so very appreciative of all that you do! We also know how hard it can be to balance your work life with your studies and family life, so here are some tips for keeping your cool:
1. Drink Plenty of Water
I know how hard this one can be... when all you want is coffee or soda to just keep you going. But drinking lots of water is so important! Water is energizing, actually. And it's good for your skin, digestive system, airways, and all the other systems and cells in your body. While this might not be the most fun or the easiest way to take care of yourself, it's one of the most vital. So, be sure to drink plenty of water!
2. Get Outside
Not that I would call any part of a global pandemic "lucky," but I suppose we're somewhat fortunate that this is all happening during the Springtime. The weather is getting warmer, the flowers are blooming, and it's so nice to just get outside. If you start feeling the stress creeping in, take a minute to go outside and feel the sunshine on your skin and breathe in some fresh air. Or if you'd prefer, open a window in your house! Feeling a warm Springtime breeze truly can be therapeutic.
3. Take Time for the Things You Enjoy
When your days are consumed with work and taking care of your families, it can be hard to take time for the things you enjoy. But let me tell you, even if it's just for a few minutes, set aside some time just for you. Watch Tiger King or The Office or a Ted Bundy documentary. Listen to your favorite playlist on Spotify. Read a good book. Play a video game. Knit a scarf. Whatever it is you like to do, do it. This is a big part of maintaining your sanity and your sense of self, which, in these crazy times, is so very important.
4. Exercise!
If you're working from home or taking your classes online, then you, like me, are probably sitting a lot... Get up and move! Take a walk around the block. Stretch. Get a whole cardio workout in. Take a dance break. Exercising is a great way to relieve stress and to feel better overall. It doesn't really matter how you do it, but your body -- and your mind -- will definitely thank you!
5. Call a Friend or Family Member
It's easy to feel a little down when you're social distancing. Don't forget to reach out to your loved ones! Call or text a good friend or FaceTime a family member. It can feel amazing to connect. Even if you simply call to complain about your day or talk about the weather, remember to reach out. It can be a great mood booster!
6. Write in a Journal
When you start feeling anxious or overwhelmed, sometimes, it helps to write about how you're feeling. It can be really helpful to simply write what you're feeling and maybe list a few things you can do to overcome those feelings. I also find that writing organized lists in my planner or a notebook help me to feel less anxious and stressed. The point is that writing is a great way to deal with stress and anxiety. You can also search on Pinterest or Google for awesome journal prompt ideas to help with those overwhelming feelings.
7. Take a Break from Social Media
One last thing we can all do to help take care of ourselves is to take a break (or two or three) each day from social media. It can be so easy to get caught up in mindless scrolling. It's important to remember, though, that social media is where people post the best moments in their lives -- not necessarily their daily struggles that each of us have. It's easy to start comparing your life with others'. So, it could be a great idea to set aside some time away from social media each day.
We hope this list has been helpful! Do you have any other awesome self care ideas? Let us know in the comments!